Modernizing your business and securing your data is easier than you think. SPN Solutions provides a suite of cloud solutions that simplify management of multiple public clouds as well as private cloud infrastructure, enabling our clients to adopt a hybrid cloud model that can accelerate innovation, improve cloud economics and enhance customer experiences.

At SPN, we have the right expertise and experience to custom design, implement, and manage scalable Cloud Computing and On-Premise Cloud solutions that enable resource consolidation, workload management, process optimization, and optimized delivery. Whether the topic is off site data storage, server virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure, public cloud, hybrid cloud and/or other cloud related subjects, we can help compare desired outcomes, financial considerations, and create a clear plan for optimization.

Private Cloud

Private cloud functions exactly like public cloud, except that it is owned, operated, and secured by independent enterprises or organizations at their own facilities.

Based on your business requirements, SPN can design, implement, and sustain a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) environment to address your technology needs. This environment can accommodate traditional Monolithic based systems, or Microservices based systems. To accomplish cloud solutions for our customers, we carve out dedicated resources for each environment that still provide the same backend services (maintenance, updates, etc.). This adds an extra layer of security for users and data, which can be especially important for industry-regulated businesses.

Public Cloud

Cloud technologies have made it easier for businesses to become more resilient in the face of unexpected change. Small, Medium, and Large to harness cloud's full potential given its broad reach across technology stacks.

We design and implement public cloud models mostly for companies with specific or predictable storage and processing needs, and those public cloud services are delivered by SPN in one of our several models, including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS). In these scenarios, SPN takes ownership of managing and updating the public cloud.

We provide our clients with multiple layers of defense. These layers include containers, stringent access procedures, encryption for data moving in and out of storage, cyberthreat detection and analysis, and other vendor-certified protections that are compliant with industry regulations.

This solution has been proved to have a better security posture compared to on-site IT infrastructure. For most companies, this model is the most cost efficient, allows them scale on-demand resources when needed and outsource time-consuming management to a third party.

SPN can help determine the right cloud strategy that will fuel ongoing transformations which unlocks new paths and solutions, accelerating our client’s business today while sculpting where it can go tomorrow.

Office 365 Migration

Industry has seen a great shift in moving from the legacy hosting of email and SharePoint infrastructures and handing these services over to cloud services such as Microsoft Office 365. SPN migrates clients to products such as but not limited to Microsoft Office 365, which gives them the flexibility to take advantage of Microsoft software platforms such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Sharepoint, and more in a cloud setting. This allows for greater collaboration and cloud storage so workers can be productive anywhere with an internet connection.

Cloud Migration

Migrating to the cloud can be tricky in some cases because of variables such as linked data, business software, downtime, and many other factors to consider. SPN’s cloud team excels at migrating businesses to the cloud and switching clouds because we know not every cloud is right for every business use case.

Whenever you are migrating from on-premises to cloud or building your cloud data solution from scratch, we will support you in managing data and making the best use of it. Leverage our broad data expertise to design different kinds of data solutions:

Classical SQL and NoSQL DBMS

  • Big Data / Data Warehouse / Data Lake
  • Real-time Data Processing
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Science
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

SPN can help you explore multiple cloud vendors to determine which one is right for your business needs.


With our skilled cloud experts on board, we are fully equipped to help develop cloud-native systems or move your existing applications to the AWS cloud platform. Starting from cloud readiness assessment and cloud strategy development to infrastructure set up, architecture redesign, migration, and maintenance - our specialists will support you at any stage of your cloud journey.


Azure, Microsoft’s cloud, is another popular cloud option for businesses. Azure is at the forefront of providing hybrid cloud services – meaning businesses can integrate onsite servers with Azure cloud servers.

With any significant change comes risk; moving to the cloud is no different. SPN Solutions has a proven record of helping businesses navigate transformation with confidence and security. Our team will help you move to Azure while minimizing risks inherent in adopting a new platform.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud is growing in popularity due to rise of more businesses using G Suite products to conduct business and collaborate.

We can also help you explore multiple cloud vendors to determine which one is right for your business.

Regardless of your reason for exploring the cloud, SPN will help you find the perfect cloud solution for your business.

Contact us today to learn more about our cloud offerings.